Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Space Dice Battlegrounds

 Wednesday Afternoon Retired Gamers (WARG) are back with ...

Space Dice Battlegrounds, episode 6

Welcome to a space/time anomaly inhabited and ruled by dice. Their existence is governed by competition and elimination.”

Setup: Each side rolls 6, 6 sided die (each side has a different colored set of dice) . Reroll any die with a 1 or 6. This is your army.

Initially, place a die in any unoccupied square. Players take turns in order of placement.

Playing board consists of an 8x8 squared board (a chess board, will do nicely) or a homemade 9x9 squared board. Terrain optional.

Dice to see who goes first, and then alternate turns or you can roll die every turn to determine who moves first.

Activation: roll a 6 sided die to determine how many units (die) you can move.

Movement: any die can move into any square.

Attack: A die in the same square as an opponent's die, must attack. Each side rolls a 6 sided die, higher die roll wins the battle. The losing die/dice decreases the number on the die/dice. When a die with a 1 on it loses a battle, the die is removed from the board.

Modifiers: Die that initiates combat adds 1 to its die roll.

                  When more than 1 die of the same color is in a square add                    1 to its die roll. (if the side with multiple dice loses the                             battle, both die decrease the number on their die).

Victory: Play continues until one side is eliminated. 

Addendum: maximum of 2 die of each color in a square.

These rules allow for up to 4 players.

(c) copyrighted in 2022 by Rick Krebs,   All rights reserved